The Spirit showed me this… What is Coming!

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Z Media Team
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I will provide, am I not, El Shaddai?

In this live broadcast, Joseph Z shares with us the revelations disclosed to him by God. He reveals that the time of Daniel has come, a time of change where troubling sights will appear on the earth, along with strange signs and unexplainable events. But in the midst of this, the Lord instructs us not to be afraid; for many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. He goes on to reveal that a red stone will rise in collision with the black stone; for the Red Dragon does not plan on sharing power and will do anything to be in charge.

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Moving on, Joseph reveals that a veil will be removed, and there will be innumerable changes that have not been witnessed in modern times, which will come onto the scene soon. Again, God reveals that His light will shine in times of darkness, and the spirit of Nero will be confronted by men and women of fire and courage. God insists through His revelation to Joseph, that His light will shine, and there’ll be a wealth transfer for the obedient and faithful. This wealth transfer is God’s provision in difficulty; for He’ll take care of us because he cares for us. He goes on to assure us of God’s intent to resist the proud, but continually give more grace to the humble.

Similarly, Joseph shares more revelations, informing us that the hidden ones who have been concealed will step out with the truth. Exposing more that even at present, the evil perpetrators are meddling with the course of nature and boasting themselves in their atrocities, but God instructs us to be fearless and stand strong. He goes further to disclose that many good people in politics are at risk, for the evil ones are after their lives, but the Lord will bring clarity to everything going on. In addition, he brings to our attention that the great terraforming has already begun and cautions that we watch out and stay in prayer.

Furthermore, Joseph insists that the time of Daniel has come, for the den is opened. He charges us to be courageous, and steady; staying on watch in prayer. Also, he cautions that we watch out, for there’ll be one more round; seasonal darkness that'll sweep the horizon in the forms of digital currency, medical and communication control, alongside limited transportation. Regardless of all these, he believes that the old order will change, and assures us that God will provide for us in the middle of darkness.


0:00 Introduction

05:00 The Time of Daniel is Here

06:20 An Aggressive Repeat is Coming

08:02 A Veil Will be Removed in Thirteen Months

09:33 Nero Will Be Reborn: A Rise Against the Spirit of Nero

12:21 I Will Provide: Am I not El Shaddai?

16:11 The Hidden Ones Will Step Out with Truth

18:08 The Great Terraforming has Begun

24:07 The Sunrise is Coming

28:40 New Norms & Values

35:24 Prophetic Broadcasters

37:50 Conclusion

 #josephz #zministries #prophecylive #spiritofnero #whatiscoming #terraforming #lightindarkness #news