Asking—The key to RECEIVING!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s Red Church live stream, Joseph Z teaches about the major keys to receiving answers to our requests. He begins by informing us about God’s interest in our desires because He created us and knows we would have them at some point. He employs the word of God from the Book of John 15:1-8 to elaborate on how God prunes us so that we can bear more fruit. This passage also makes us understand how we can ask for whatever we desire and it will be done for us, so long as we abide in Christ. He encourages us to read the word of God until it starts speaking to us because when we have the word of God abiding in us, it will manifest in every area of our lives through answered prayers. 

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Moving on, Joseph makes us understand that the same power that raises Jesus from the dead dwells in us, and that we must know what the word says so that the spirit of God can function through us to make available everything we pray for. He further instructs that Jesus wants us to win more than we do; if we abide in Him, and His words in us, we can ask whatever we desire and it shall come to pass. Once more, he insists that a man or woman with a revelation is not at the mercy of a culture gone mad; and we get the revelation of Jesus through His words abiding in us. 

Additionally, Joseph clarifies that if we want to get results, we must be in Jesus and His words in us; then we can ask for whatever we desire. Also, he explains that if we abide in Christ, and His words in us, our desires become His desires. However, when we ask and we do not receive, it’s because we are asking carnally, and the Lord does not give in to our carnal desires. He further reminds us of the word of God that says, “If we have faith like a mustard seed, we can command the mountain to move, and it moves”. He then prays for us all, speaks the blessings of God over us, and prays more, so that we get all we desire from God. 


0:00 Introduction

04:22 God is Interested in Your Desires

06:17 John 15:1-8: The True Vine

09:30 God is Glorified in Your Abundance

12:05 Go Beyond Believing

13:53 Benefits of the Word in You

19:33 What Makes You a Disciple of Jesus?

21:27 Joseph’s Evangelical Experience

27:37 How to Get Your Heart Desires

34:12 Ask, Seek, and Knock

39:04 Abide in Him & His Words in You

41:45 Conclusion