Prophecy LIVE w/ Special Guest Dr. Malachi O’Brien

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“Believe me for a Miracle”! The hour is coming for you!

In today’s live broadcast, we’re graced with the presence of a special guest, Dr. Malachi O’Brien. He begins by sharing an experience he had, where God instructed him to believe Him for a miracle, and in a few days God used him to save a little boy who sustained a severe head injury after falling upon a skewer. Again, he shares a video clip of Democrats and Republicans standing together in solidarity for Israel. He also employs the word of God from the Book of Romans 11 to establish the need for us to support Israel at all times. 

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Moving on, Dr. Malachi shares an interesting revival clip that took place at Free Chapel, which has been recurrent for quite a while now, with a surprisingly large number of people every time it is held. Also, he makes us understand that a mega-church in this era is a church that is obsessed with our Lord Jesus Christ. He then shared a sneak peek of the Ausbury revival and marveled at how there is quite a large number of Gen Zs in attendance. Once more, he shares the last story about the Domino revival that shook the whole neighborhood at Timesquare. 

Similarly, Dr. Malachi brings to our understanding that what we focus on is what we feel, and what we feel will drive our emotions and actions. He urges us to focus on what Jesus is doing because the Bible is not a story of what was, but a story of “Now”. Again, he references the word of God taken from the Book of John 11 to share a significant lesson about believing in what Jesus can do for us now and not in the future. Also, he makes us realize that God wants to get us to moments where we bow at His feet; informing us also that Jesus wept, not for the death of Lazarus per se, but because of Mary’s groaning in the spirit. 

Furthermore, Dr. Malachi urges us to get rid of our dead way of thinking, believing, and worshipping, and get back to that, which brings life. Once more, he charges us to stop criticizing and start celebrating; also encouraging us not to be stuck on doing hard things alone, but also, the very hard ones. 


0:00 Introduction

03:17 Believe Me for A Miracle

06:31 A March for Israel

10:28 The Hour is Now

11:02 Revival at Free Chapel

13:15 Aubury Revival

16:44 Domino Revival 

22:52 John 11: Jesus Wept

28:58 At the Feet of Jesus

32:11 Why Did Jesus Weep?

39:02 Conclusion