Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Mike Signorelli!

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Z Media Team
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“If you don’t have intimacy with the father in obscurity, you won’t have the oil to sustain you in popularity”. “The world might not know your name, but you’re known in the spiritual realm”.

In the studio with Joseph Z, today is Mike Signorelli, and they talk about what God is doing in America and the Church today. Pastor Mike begins by informing us that those who are willing to embrace obscurity are being elevated in this season, and those who didn’t try to make a name for themselves, but made the name of Jesus known are being elevated in this season. He further asserts that the world might not know our name but we’re known and elevated in the spiritual realm; for the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Also, he makes us understand that we may not be verified on social media but we’re verified in heaven. He further insists that we need prophetic people who will rise, just like Daniel to say “no” to idolatry and the precepts that are not of God. 

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Moving on, Pastor Mike shares his ministerial experience and observes that we’ve reduced the gospel to motivational speeches and encouragement, which needs to change because demons are intimidated by messages of repentance. He continues to enlighten us, reminding us that if we’re faithful in little, God will make us rule over much; urging us not to despise the days of small beginnings. Again, he reveals that he sees hope for the remnant in America and judgment for those who have remained stubborn. Once more, he asserts that those who remain in pride will experience a fall. Interestingly, he reveals that there’s a call to intimacy because the intimate ones will ignite the hope for America, and we must buy oil like the wise virgins by praying without ceasing while urging us to cut off people who are not passionate about the word of God. 

Similarly, Pastor Mike asserts that every one of us is a warrior because although we had reasons to give up, we didn't; even though we were ridden with fatigue, we kept on pushing. He then urges us to keep pushing because this is not the time to back down. After all, things are coming into alignment in the body of Christ. Further, he insists that we do not need motivational speeches with a couple of scriptures, elaborate stage designs, and productions without power; informing us that deliverance is the children’s bread, and they’re hungry for it. 

In addition, Pastor Mike talks about his Domino revival, sharing that if Christ is lifted, He will draw many souls unto Himself. On the other hand, Joseph is very much impressed and commends him on the wonderful project he has put out there, which is geared towards making disciples who would be trained to go out there to make more disciples for Christ; much like Joseph’s call to raise a million souls to win a billion souls for Christ. He then concluded with a prayer, speaking a blessing of provision over us and declaring that we will reap the fruits of our warfare. He reassures us that because we have operated in humility, God will bring us into the time of reaping the spoils of our war. 


0:00 Introduction

01:19 What God is Doing in America

05:35 A Call for Daniels of our Time

06:30 Message of Repentance: Terror to Demons

09:27 Timesquare: The Crossroad of the World

12:34 Any Hope for America?

15:16 The Wise and the Unwise: Which Will You Be?

17:50 You’re the Warrior!

21:47 Alignment in the Body of Christ

23:55 The Domino Revival: What You Need to Know

28:00 Making Converts & Making Disciples

28:36 Conclusion