FULL DISCLOSURE: Vivek Ramaswamy, Secret Tunnels COMING RELIGIOUS WARS, SIMPSONS Predictions, More!

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It’s another episode of Full Disclosure, and in the studio with Joseph Z, today are Gabe, Pastor Mark Cowart, and Mary. They talk about secret tunnels, the coming religious wars, and the Simpson’s prediction. Joseph begins by sharing a clip showing a recently discovered underground tunnel inside a building in New York City. This was after some neighbors reported some unusual noises coming from under their various buildings. Joseph believes that this may be related to the religious war prophecy that God has shown him for quite a while now. Pastor Mark expresses shock about this clip and reveals that the most intense demons are religious demons because they wreak the most havoc in society. Gabe also believes there’s a spirit behind most of the religions at large and reveals that Hamas was the Hebrew name for the sin which the devil committed that earned him being thrown down from heaven. 

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Moving forward, Joseph looks into the political disposition of certain candidates, with Vivek Ramaswamy in mind. In reaction to this, Pastor Mark asserts that he’s doubtful about what this individual represents, revealing that charisma is appealing, but can take one, only further than one’s character can sustain one. Also, Gabe believes this individual is a great content creator, and great on camera, but not a great leader. As well, he disclosed some questionable aspects of this gentleman’s character which doesn’t uphold honesty and integrity. Again, Pastor Mark notes that what causes damage to Christianity are preachers who don’t walk their talk, in other words, they do not practice what they preach. What’s more, Joseph shares another clip about the Simpson’s show which has been believed over the years to show future happenings before they occur. He believes there’s a mysterious spirit that can show future events and also, predictive programming which is employed to depict accurate future events. Gabe comments on this, revealing some interesting historical facts about the Simpsons. 

In like manner, Pastor Mark reminds us about the seven mountains of influence, of which religion is one of them; so to say, the Christians may have dominated one aspect of these seven mountains, but the devil runs rampant in all the other mountains of influence. What’s more, Gabe points out how the devil has established his influence using the secular mountain of influence, as the entertainment sector is filled with demonic lifestyles emulated by the culture. Also, Mary observes how some celebrities with weird identities are welcomed in Christian communities. Joseph clarifies this, revealing that those communities have love and sympathy for people but lack the word of God, and although we should not condemn these people, we should be bold enough to call out the behavior that is not in line with God’s word. 

Additionally, Pastor Mark observes that America has fallen into the prediction addiction. He believes that we have a shot at winning this year, but frowns at how people are so desperate to learn what the future holds when Christ has already informed us that all authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth; as such has granted authority to all who believe in Him, to bind and set free. Again, he brings to our understanding that friendship with the world is enmity with God, reminding us that God is displeased with lukewarm Christians, and charging us to embrace God once again. They conclude with a prayer, asking that we see the hope of our calling, that we take the stand and fill every void missing in our families, and that we may have ears to hear, what the spirit of God is saying.