Conversation with George Barna!

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Z Media Team
11 months 739 Views

In today’s live broadcast, Joseph Z shares his conversation with George Barna centered on what is happening in the culture now and paganism in the church. Barna begins by informing us that there’s a slow-motion demise of our culture, and this can be seen in the worldview of the ordinary American who bases their view completely outside of Biblical principles, instead, relying on elements of different worldviews and blending them into one that they find acceptable. 

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He alerts us about paganism in the church which is a result of people being so ill-trained in Biblical truths that they fall for any information made available to them. Also, Barna shares that the missing ingredient in our spiritual development is to let God fully transform us and also give up control of our lives for God to take charge. Sadly people settle for just being churchy or give up attendance completely because they’ve become lukewarm and have missed out on the secret ingredient of spiritual growth which is giving God complete control over their lives. 

Further, he discloses that there are only a few churches eager to support families in raising the next generation, urging us to be careful about the churches we take our children to because they may not have capable spiritual leaders who have a deeper relationship with God to train our children in the way they should go.  


0:00 Introduction

02:24 Paganism in the Church

03:30 Absence of Biblical Worldview in our Culture

04:47 The Church & Institutionalism 

06:38 Spiritual Development: What You Need to Know

08:33 Conquering Self in Christianity

10:21 Raising the Next Generation in Biblical Worldview

13:09 Raising Spiritual Champions

14:45 Conclusion