Breaking NOW! Fires Nearing Texas Nuclear Facility! Lets Pray!

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Z Media Team
7 months 2.5K Views

It’s another episode of the Breaking Now! Today, we bring you news about fires nearing the Texas Nuclear Facility. Clay Clark informs us that there is a military nuclear facility in Texas that is now at risk of being engulfed in fire, because of a suspicious fire seen a mile away suspected to be headed towards the direction of this facility. 

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He also alerts us about how satanism is now running rampant in our culture, informing us about a witches' magazine that now sells alongside the Times magazine and the increase in woke culture since the Super Bowl event. In response to this, Joseph prays against all the nefarious and violent activities going on in the country right now, praying also for favor and understanding for those in places of authority. He further prays for safety, rebuking death and any loss of life induced by the evil ones. 

Recall that Joseph had earlier prophesied about the word Decapolis(ten cities burning)in his past broadcasts, and with the current event in Texas, this prophesy may be coming to life, but we pray that God shields His people from the destructive mechanisms of the enemy. Regardless of all that is happening, he informs us that we will see strength at this time.