Prophetic Update!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s prophetic update, Joseph Z recalls his interview at DayStar, where he revealed the prophetic significance of the past eclipse and exposed what to expect in the coming quarters of the year. He shares the prophetic assignment that God has assigned to him, a forty-day window beginning from the day of the eclipse, that the Lord has given for the US and all nations to repent to repair. He reveals there’ll be a fire in 2025 and picking up sticks in 2026 while urging us not to be afraid because the Lord will keep all those who put their trust, in Him. He assures us of a provision and protection for his people just like in the days of Noah. 

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Moving on, Joseph shares that it’s not the end yet in a recent program geared towards sensitizing Christians on how to respond, in these desperate times. He urges the Church to get busy with every available means to execute the commission that God has assigned to her while informing us that we’ve gone from a time of grace to a time of mercy. Also, he revisits his live broadcast of April 10, 2024, where he shares a glimpse of the scenery from his visits to the Biblical John’s(John the Revelator) home in Ephesus. He urges us not to fear what’s happening in the culture because the Lord will make surprising deliveries of victory available. 

In like manner, Joseph recalls his prophecy of April 9 where he shared a prophecy he disclosed on January 18, 2024, where he revealed that the US will be like Nineveh and either bow its knees in repentance or go through fire. He assures us that we can go into a time when the Lord turned around the captivity of Zion in Psalm 126. He also alerts us about the re-ignition of CERN while exposing that Direct Energy Weapons(DEWS) will be revealed more in the next phase of what’s coming. He attributes this and all the evil narratives to a demonic response to the breakthrough that God has prepared for his People. 

He further reveals that the words “Zombie” and “Organic anomaly” will make the news soon, and so will organic technology, which is quantum computing involving human DNA. He further reveals that there will be scenarios involving oil platforms at sea. Again, he leads us to the Book of Revelation 1:19, which instructs that we write the things that we’ve seen, the things that are, and the things that will take place after this. In like manner, he urges us to have a revelation of the areas we’re lacking, as cautioned by the Book of Revelation 2:7. He further informs us that reformers are coming who will rightsize things and lead us to a new, different America. Once more, he leads us to the Book of Psalm 126 to reveal the plan of God for our lives in the coming season. 


0:00 Introduction

01:17 Joseph’s Prophetic Assignment

05:06 Prophecy for 2025 & 2026

07:58 The Prophetic Significance of the Solar Eclipse

12:23 The Prophetic Journey: Glimpse of Ephesus

16:20 John’s Longevity Secret 

26:04 Joseph Prophecy on Nineveh 

29:58 Psalm 126: Restoration in the Storm

29:15 CERN, DEWs & Quakes

35:42 Organic Technology: What You Need to Know

38:20 Revelation 2:7

44:21 Conclusion