A Prophetic Cry is Hitting the Land!!

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Z Media Team
10 months 642 Views

Take heart, and stand strong!

In this live broadcast, Joseph Z alerts us about a prophetic cry hitting the land at the moment, a call to listen to the voice of God, and a wake-up call to pay attention to what the spirit is saying. He insists it’s time to pay attention to what the Lord is saying because there's great pressure in the atmosphere, what with AI running rampant, and climatic issues witnessed recently. 

He reveals an anointing of restoration is upon us, and there are pieces of us lost in difficulties that God has gone ahead to restore to us. He warns that there will be more cyber issues and some unparallel things breaking loose; regardless, he urges us not to forget that the Lord is with us and will indemnify everything lost in the storm. 

Joseph further asserts that a provisional anointing will aid us in navigating through these difficult times; hence, it’s time to pay attention to what the spirit is saying to us. He assures us that we will be alright because God’s favor and anointing are upon us while insisting there’s a turnaround coming for every one of us.