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Z Media Team
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In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z reveals that the oaks of righteousness are leaving and a new movement is beginning. He explains that the oaks of righteousness are the fathers of movements, stalwarts of movements graduating for their eternal purpose in heaven. He alerts us about the hidden ones coming onto the scene while referencing the Book of Isaiah 61:1-3 to insist that the oaks of righteousness are leaving and the redwoods are coming. He reveals there will be many more transitions of the oaks in the body of Christ leading to a new movement of the redwoods.

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Also, he asserts that some of the oaks will join the redwood movement, and there will be a great intensity of tribes merging into a new movement. Interestingly, he discloses that there is a wild weather manipulation ongoing, what with the Dubai flooding incident and major tornados across the nation. On the heels of this, he reveals we will witness more disasters like earthquakes, and oil platforms at sea on fire while disclosing there will be things leading up to another seven-year cycle. Regardless, he assures us that the Joseph anointing will sustain us in these times of difficulty. 

In like manner, Joseph informs us there will be a seven-year provision in darkness while urging us to keep our eyes on the Lord’s chosen nation and an increase in weather anomalies. He brings to our understanding that God positioned “the Joseph anointing” in the famine, and the wealth of the wicked was stored up for the righteous. He reassures us, asserting that God has bestowed boldness upon us and greater is he that is in us than he, that is in the world. He then prays for peace in our hearts and minds while declaring that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 


0:00 Introduction

01:36  The Hidden Ones are Coming to the Scene

04:40 The Oaks & the Redwoods

12:26 Wild Weather Manipulation

13:22 Clips of Weather Disasters

14:40 More Earthquakes and Disastrous Events at Sea

16:09 The Joseph Anointing

18:48 Seven Years of Provision in Darkness

25:44 The Powerful Twos

30:09 Watch! Come Up Higher!

36:36 Conclusion