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Z Media Team
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“The way up to the kingdom is the way down; for he who wants to be great in the kingdom of God must learn to be the servant of all”. 

Learn how to discover your prophetic destiny in today’s live broadcast, as Joseph Z brings insight into discovering our prophetic destiny and how to reach it. He instructs that God has appointed us to a high calling while explaining that our purpose in life is to glorify God and it doesn’t change even as time changes. However, our purpose is different from our vision and the process towards achieving our vision is a mission filled with ups and downs. He also reveals that the great way to move forward is to show up on time in everything we do. Further explains that a mentor makes the journey to our destiny easier, even though a season ends in one’s life, mentors are always there to guide one at every point. 

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Moving forward, Joseph insists that mentors or spiritual fathers make our journey shorter and easier to hit our target in life. He also brings to our knowledge that success does not define the will of God because even evil people achieve success, rather, the will of God has success attached to it. He then discloses that being strong-willed in our opinions without being open to good counsel hinders us from achieving our prophetic destiny. Interestingly, he instructs that all who don't know their vision should serve a vision, and at the point of doing so, they will discover their vision in life. 

More interestingly, Joseph leads us to the Book of Numbers 27:15-18 to outline the importance of faithful service and submission to good leadership. As seen in the above scripture, we see that Josua must have done such a great job in serving Moses that prompted Moses to place both hands on him to anoint him as his successor. He further makes us understand that some of us are called to life service and we must do what God expects from us to reach our prophetic destiny. He then reveals that the way up to the kingdom is the way down, for he who wants to be great in the kingdom of God must learn to be the servant of all. In addition, he informs us that our countenance must always show enthusiasm in our service to God, and with such a positive attitude, nothing can stop our success. 


0:00 Introduction

02:48 Understanding Your Purpose

05:30 Punctuality: The Secret to Success

07:37 Importance of a Mentor in Reaching Your Destiny

13:30 Obstacles in Achieving Your Destiny

16:34 Numbers 17:15-23 

27:03 The Secret of Serving Others

30:26  The Ways to Fulfil Your Prophetic Destiny

31:05 Conclusion