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Z Media Team
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In today’s prophetic broadcast, you’ll gain prophetic answers to the concerns about today’s mad culture, as Joseph Z points out ways to overcome the present evil culture. He shares a clip about the current standpoint on WHO’s pandemic treaty, alongside a bizarre clip revealing that Virginia Elementary School will now be holding a satanic after-school program. Surprisingly, it’s being implemented in all public schools across the US. On the heels of this, Heather shares her experience with her child years back when she discovered that he was taught a subject that contradicts her faith. 

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Interestingly, Heather shares that at every point in time when her kids are exposed to ungodly things at school, they resort to gospel evangelism, having a separate meditation on praise and worship as a counter-action against the weird activities at school. Moving forward, Heather shares her realization moment during their visit to Noah’s Ark. 

However, Joseph warns that this is not the end, urging us not to fall for the mirage of disruptions, for there will be a redemptive instability that will usher in redemption. He assures us that “More” is coming and we will witness victories in all areas of our lives because we’re the Isaiah 10:27 tribe, and all yoke will be lifted off our shoulders. Heather concludes with a prayer, speaking the wisdom and favor of God over our minds. She also prays against fear, declaring faith and strength upon us, and asking that we become excited about the things the Lord has put in our hearts. 


0:00 Introduction

07:34 WHO & the Pandemic Treaty

10:05 Virginia Elementary School & Satanic Afterschool Program

20:24 Set Your Eyes on the Spirit

21:18 Noah’s Ark: Heather’s Moment of Realization

25:22 Don’t Fall for the Mirage of Disruption

26:19 More is Coming!

29:09 Prayer: Conclusion