4th of July Prophetic State of the Union LIVE Broadcast!

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Z Media Team
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“Great will be the reward of those who fainteth not on the day of adversity”.

It’s a special Independence Day broadcast, and we are encouraged as Joseph Z shares some prophetic messages about the future of America. Joseph and his team reminisce on their many memories about the 4th of July and its excitement. He shares his prophetic broadcast of June 7, 2024, where he urged us to be ready for the great change on the way because of a redemptive instability instigated by God. He reveals there will be a breakout of revivals, turmoil, economic shaking, electric war, solar flares, and geo storms, but the Lord assures us of a way in the midst of all these and another day. He further reveals that the redemption ark is in motion, for evil will slay the wicked but it will not come near the righteous. 

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Next, Joseph prays for the diversion of tactical nukes, and that small nations will not be wiped out. He reminds us of his past broadcast of June 11, 2024, where he revealed a prophecy about a war in the ‘heavenlies’, recalling his experience also at Trump Tower in 2015 where God assured him that America has one more round. Although there will be collisions, Joseph assures us that the Lord will deliver his people. Once more, he discloses that 2025 will be a year of fire and redemptive instability. Interestingly, he discloses that the attack will turn into a comeback at a great cost while informing us that we’re going through a time of flames that will extend to the coming year, but we will come out on the other side. He further reminds us of his prophecy during New Year's Eve, where he revealed that a new character will be introduced in the political scene while also sharing that oil will fix the economic breakdown the US is currently experiencing. 

Furthermore, Joseph shares the year’s prophetic timeline, revealing what to expect in the political arena. He also discloses that the US will go down 30, 60, and 100-fold, witnessing an instability that will give rise to redemption. He warns that a storm will come with a shelter in the middle of it where everyone who runs to it will be safe, after which the nation will witness a revival and the birth of reformers leading to a new America. He then assures us that 2028 will be a new beginning. He further shares a vision where these words were revealed, “the river is broken, and the seal is real” while exposing that organic technology will be nurtured for transhumanism. Regardless, he assures us of hope for the future despite the battle at our doorsteps. 


0:00 Introduction

29:31 Prophetic Message for the US: The Dominoes Behind the Scene

30:13 Make Ready for Great Change

49:03 War in the Heavenlies 

58:19 2025: A Year of Fire & Redemptive Instability

59:50 The Attack Will Turn to a Comeback

1:10:15 The US Political Future: New Character Introduced

1:22:18 More Prophecies: Dark November & Red October

1:27:23 Downtie for the US: Reformation & New America

1:34:42 2028: A New Beginning & the US Big 250

1:45:05 AI Singularity: Organic Tech & Transhumanism

1:51:19 Conclusion