1981 PROPHECY about what will happen NEXT!!

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Z Media Team
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“The Lord takes pleasure in His people, He will beautify the humble with salvation”

Learn about a 1981 prophecy, detailing shocking future events, as Joseph Z brings our attention to this and much more in today’s prophetic live broadcast. He shares a clip of Charles Capps’ prophecy where he revealed there would be men framed, in a bid to remove them from high positions and hinder some of them from attaining higher positions, in the end, there will be a turning around of what the enemy has wrought and those involved in such conspiracy will be exposed and expelled. Surprisingly, this resonates with Joseph’s prophecy about the “attack turning into a comeback”. Moving on, Heather urges us to receive this prophecy by faith and move with it in prayer, believing that God will turn things around in our favor. 

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Next, Joseph references the Book of Daniel 5:1-30 to remind us of the unfortunate end to the reign of King Belshazzar of the Chaldeans, who defiled God and paid a heavy price for it. On the heels of this, Joseph reveals that there is something meant to happen but is yet to happen in this generation; however, today’s word is a warning sign that this judgment that has been evaded will be experienced soon in our current system. Once more, he brings our attention to the belief systems in the life of a believer: scripture, tradition, experience, and rationality. Teaching that the separation between the church and state is not scriptural because the Book of  Romans 13 commands us to obey the laws of the land, which indicates that the two bodies ought to work together.

Furthermore, he references the Book of Psalm 149:4-8 to explain the importance of believers enforcing Biblical commands with the laws of the land because defying the laws of the land while obeying Biblical commands is not scriptural, instead the two work together for the good of the land and the people. Additionally, he insists there will be a tremendous comeback even though it will be accompanied by so much difficulty. Heather concludes with a prayer, declaring protection, provision, healing, preservation, and wholeness over our lives.


0:00 Introduction

01:34 Charles Capps’ 1981 Prophecy

08:23 Daniel 5:1-30: Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin

22:25 Belief Systems in the Life of a Believer

25:54 Psalm 149:4-8

37:14 Prayer: Conclusion