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Z Media Team
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As sons of Issachar, we must pay attention to what’s going on, physically and spiritually. Hence today, on the prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z draws our attention to the times we’re in, interpreting these events and their prophetic inclination to the end time. He shares footage of the opening ceremony at the Olympics, interpreting the meaning of the many symbolisms depicted at this event. Also, he shares a clip interpreting all the bizarre imageries portrayed at the opening ceremony of the Olympics while bringing our attention to the repercussions that followed the next day after the opening ceremony. 

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Next, Joseph asserts that God protested the blasphemy that took place at the Olympics with a blackout around the city of Paris excluding a church which was the only illumination amid the darkness. However, he informs us that the Church of Jesus will not be overcome and the illuminated church depicts the light in Goshen, for it was dark in Egypt, but there was light in Goshen. He then alerts us about the ushering in of the antichrist spirit, what with all the events taking place.

Furthermore, he reveals that a massive state funeral will take place, which he believes is a symphony of distraction alongside more black swan events coming. He insists there will be more darkness but the Church must shine through it all. Interestingly, he revisits his past prophecy of June 6, 2022, and September 20, 2022, where he prophesied about blackouts that will hit the scene, alongside cyber issues. Also, in his past broadcast on January 11, 2023, he exposed that more blackout scenarios will be witnessed nationwide. 

Additionally, he reassures us with his broadcast on April 30, 2024, that God’s hand is not weakened nor shortened, hence, there will be a breakthrough in all that is taking place. He insists will come out on the other side of everything because of redemptive instability. He then leads us to the Book of Matthew 16:13-18 to remind us of God’s assurance that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church for it’s God’s will that we should be delivered from this evil age. 


0:00 Introduction

04:24 Horse of the Apocalypse at the Olympics?

07:33 The Olympics & Bizzare Opening Ceremony Scenes

08:48 Satanic Depiction of the Last Supper

11:32 The Olympics: Understanding the Symbolisms

16:13 The Judgment: A Blackout Around Paris

27:34 Massive State Funeral

32:05 Joseph’s Past Prophecies: Blackouts, Grids

42:51 Matthew 16:13-18

47:52 Conclusion