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Z Media Team
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In Red Church today, Allison guides us on how to overcome the spirit of fear. Fear as we know, is an overwhelming feeling that can hinder us from achieving our goals or dreams; holding us captive from having true friendships with people. She leads us to the Book of 1 John 4:18 to inform us that there is no fear in love, for perfect love, casts out fear, and he who fears has not been made perfect in love. That is to say, when we accept God’s love for us, it drives fear from our lives. 

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Again, Allison makes us understand how God’s love for us is unquantifiable, and that nothing we do can separate us from that love. She prays that the prodigals will come home and that God will send people to their paths while urging us to get in the peace of Christ by reading God’s word consistently and spending time with Him. Additionally, she brings to our understanding that fear and torment can not stay in our lives when we’re convinced of the Love of Jesus. 


0:00 Introduction

01:03 Destroying the Spirit of Fear: 1 John 4:18

07:12 Easy Way to Conquer Fear

14:55 Gaining Peace in Your Life

24:47 Conclusion