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Z Media Team
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“Preacher, your silence is consent to wickedness”.

On the prophetic live broadcast today, Joseph Z shares a prophecy of where we’re headed in the coming months while revealing a nefarious agenda that will be let loose soon. He asserts that it’s high time we started fasting and praying to avert the evil wind headed our nation’s way. He references the Book of Luke 17:32 to educate us on the need to get involved in the affairs of our country and put the evil leaders in their place. He explains that if we do not begin to stand together to extinguish the fire seeking to destroy the future of our generation, we’re forsaking our mercy. 

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Also, he reveals that there will be an introduction of new characters in the US political circle, accompanied by a cloud of tragedy, to take attention away from Trump. He shares his past vision, where he saw two faces, Kamala’s and Trump’s, but the former's got stronger than the latter’s. Again, he informs us that this year, 2024 will be a do-over year, another chance that God has given us to rise and shine through redemptive instability. He further exposes what to expect in the following years, leading to a new, different America in 2028. 

Furthermore, Joseph brings our attention to the events of the year that are yet to happen, particularly in the political arena. He asserts that we will begin to see the Samson narrative, representing “One More Round” while warning about a shaky January. However, he prays that God will use for good, what the enemy meant for evil. He also references the Book of Revelation 2:18-21 to expose the evil spirit that seeks to destroy the church and the nation. In conclusion, Allison prays that everything we’ve lost is restored to us in this season of do-over while declaring victory over our lives, businesses, and households.  


0:00 Introduction

10:17 Luke 13:31-32 

24:13 New Characters: Clandestine DNC

26:09 The Vision of Two Faces

27:18 2024: A Do-Over Year: Redemptive Instability

29:29 Prophecy for Coming Years

30:35 The Year’s Prophetic Timeline

33:45 Samson: One More Round

37:42 Revelation 2:18-21: Spirit of Jezebel

48:08 Prayer: Conclusion