EXPERIENCE SUPERNATURAL HEALTH!! Special guest Dr. Avery Jackson!

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Z Media Team
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On today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z features Dr. Avery Jackson, and they expose the secret to supernatural health. Dr. Avery shares how believers can live a spirit-filled life in the days we’re in, teaching that realizing who we are, is having Christ’s mindset, and seeing ourselves the way God sees us. He brings us to contemplate how our relationship with the Lord imparts our soul, mind, and body and how our emotions affect our physical body. He explains that our emotional disposition in life is a parameter that determines our relationship with the Lord, and the emotion that dominates our day exposes where we are, in our relationship with God.

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Next, Dr. Avery instructs that having the Holy Spirit in our hearts impacts our emotions, making us lighthearted about things and stimulating our laughter hormones. Happy hormones are those hormones that improve the secretion of amazing hormones for overall general wellness. He also points out that we must have spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness to achieve true health. Once more, he explains that laughter in the face of chronic conditions produces better outcomes while explaining that focusing our minds on the joy of the Lord is a medication that affects our entire body. This means that being in a happy mood always upregulates our natural killer cells and immune system which destroys cancer cells and viruses. 

Interestingly, he discloses the correlation between laughter and physical exercise, revealing that our relationship with the Lord and those around us impacts our physiological body. More interestingly, Dr. Avery exposes the impact of speaking in tongues on our physiological body, revealing that there’s a secretion of hormones that rejuvenate our entire body leading to the improvement of our immune system. Further, he outlines the relationship between the Holy Spirit and our health, exposing that the spirit of God in us causes us to respond to bad situations positively; improving our overall wellness. He urges us to pray in the heavenly language, take the Lord seriously, engage in activities that encourage us to have fits of laughter, and exercise as much as possible to achieve true health. 


0:00 Introduction

02:39 Living a Spirit-Filled Life in Our Times

04:13 How to Know You’re Walking with The Lord

07:38 Spiritual, Emotional & Physical Wellness

09:28 Laughter in the face of Chronic Conditions

14:13 Laughter & Physical Exercise: Any Correlation?

17:35 What Happens When You Speak I Tongues?

20:59 The Holy Spirit & Our Health: Relationship

27:46 Prayer: Conclusion