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Z Media Team
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“You will outrun your enemies, even in the rain, for God is with you and He has not forgotten the prayers of His children”.

Today’s prophetic broadcast is revealing; Joseph Z brings our attention to bizarre events in our space while exposing the nefarious activities of the evil ones and what to expect in the coming year. We see a clip detailing the nefarious activity of Gates, involving the release of lethal mosquitoes into the atmosphere. Also, a news article by Fox News confirms the death of a New Hampshire resident suspected to have died from the infection inflicted by this dangerous mosquito. Recall that Joseph had shared with us in his past broadcast, a clip showing the world’s biggest mosquito farm owned by Bill Gates; and today, we’re plagued with a lethal mosquito-borne virus. 

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Next, we see a creepy status in New Orleans of a Monkey covered in monkeypox. Interestingly, there’s an outbreak of a disease named Mpox ravaging some parts of Africa with the same symptoms as shown in the status recently spotted of a monkey covered in monkeypox in New Orleans. However, he assures us that a reckoning is coming against darkness, for the Lord God will make a way, and take us through the Red Sea. He also informs us that these scenarios with the mosquitoes and Mpox are a mechanism of control while disclosing that the year 2025 will be the best and the worst of times. He further reveals that the Roe vs Wade case will be revisited, but life will rise to overcome the spirit of lawlessness. 

Similarly, Joseph informs us that the Balm of Gilead will flow in this time, coming as a do-over to impede the wicked activities meted out to the world. He insists that 2025 will be a year of fire, urging us to pray that rain will fall on the just and unjust alike. Once more, he reveals that a new movement is on its way, and will pioneer a New America while exposing how climate lockdowns will be the next agenda if the scenarios with the mosquitoes and Mpox fail. He further insists there will be a movement of united voices, urging us not to be afraid because the spirit of the Lord is making a way for us all. 

Furthermore, he discloses that every other thing that follows all that has been outlined above will be economic, but will be reliant on who gets into the seat of power. In addition, Allison urges us to get closer to God by reading His words until it starts speaking back to us. She assures us that we’re not too far gone to be redeemed by God, thus, we must open ourselves up to the spirit of God and accept our Lord Jesus, who is ever ready to welcome us back to His embrace. 


0:00 Introduction

01:00 Lethal Mosquito Released in the Atmosphere?

05:47 EEEV Infection: A Lethal Mosquito-borne Virus?

08:21 World Biggest Mosquito Factory

10:29 Gates & his Bizzare Agenda

18:19 2025: Best of Times & Worst of Times

20:09 The Balm of Gilead: What You Need to Know

22:30 A Coming New Movement/A New Party

24:54 Climate Lockdowns: What You Need to Know

30:34 Economic Prosthesis

33:34 Prayer: Conclusion