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Z Media Team
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In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z explains the ideology of eternity past, and future. He explains eschatology, disclosing that the coming of Jesus started a segment of time known as the church age, the age of grace, or the last days. Also, he clarifies that there will be a catching away of the saints at the appointed time, followed by a seven-year period of time known as the Great Tribulation. This will lead to the BEMA judgment and the marriage supper of the lamb, followed by the battle of armageddon, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus. Interestingly, after Christ defeats the evil in the world, God will send fire from heaven followed by the great white throne judgment, eventually making way for the New heaven and the new earth. 

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Next, Joseph reminds us that the gates of hell can not overcome the body of Christ(Ecclesia) and that Jesus' blood is stronger than an animal's blood. He informs us that we must act as a church and engage in intercession that pummels the kingdom of darkness to its knees; for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. He further informs us that it’s the church’s responsibility to stand up to Goliath the way David did because the prayers of the saints can change things. 


0:00 Introduction

02:16 Eternity Future: The Great Tribulation

07:24 What is the Role of the Church?

10:23 A Great Time of Conflict

16:29 The Lion, the Bear & Goliath

18:02 Conclusion