How to get out of PAIN!

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Z Media Team
5 months 1.7K Views

On today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z teaches about humility and how to thrive in life despite the devil’s relentless effort to pull you down. Heather enlightens us about first responses to ugly situations and how they determine the outcome of whatever situation we find ourselves in. We also learn from the Book of 1 Peter 5:5 that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, thus, we’re charged to be clothed with humility and submit ourselves to the elderly ones among us. 

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Also, Joseph cites the Book of 1 Timothy 3:1-6 to outline the qualities of a good leader, cautioning against giving leadership to a novice. He makes us understand that pride comes from a lack of understanding, urging us to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt us in due time. 

He further reveals that the ultimate form of humbling ourselves before God is casting all our cares upon Him. In addition, Allison prays for empathetic people, urging them to cast their cares upon the Lord because the Lord demands that all that are heavily ladened with sorrow, should come to Him and He will grant them rest. 


0:00 Introduction

02:23 1 Peter 5:5: A Call to Humility

08:39 1 Timothy 3:1-6: Qualities of a Good Leader

14:06 Is Depression Associated with Pride?

37:24 How to Humble Yourself Before God

49:10 Prayer: Conclusion