Where Are We Headed?

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Z Media Team
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Today on the prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z analyzes the eschatological timeline, revealing where the world is headed at this time. He brings to our understanding that hell is the reaction to the violation of God’s holiness while pointing out the need to understand the signs of the time and what to do about it. He urges us to find our place in the Body of Christ and know who we’re called to be, for our gifts to spring to life. 

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Also, Joseph points out the importance of giving, explaining that God supports us more when we become comfortable with it. He shares his vision of downtime for the US, a period of darkness followed by a storm with a shelter in the middle, where everyone who ran to it was safe. This would later give birth to reformers who would bring reformation, leading to a new, different America.  He outlines the kinds of reformers: the young lions, the cinderellas, and the rudolfs. 

Joseph further informs us that we will experience four years of redemptive instability. However, he assures us of a special grace and anointing to rise under the pressure, thereby escaping to the other side of things. He reassures us of God’s special miracles of provision, for His blessings are not influenced by the difficulties or challenges of life. He then asserts that how we handle what the world throws at us is a qualifying marker for the next best thing in our lives. 


0:00 Introduction

01:02 Understanding Eternity's Future

05:29 The Great White Throne Judgment

07:13 New Heaven & Earth

09:32 Find your Place in the Body of Christ

12:40 Downtime for the US

18:06 The Call to America’s Mountain

20:01 Redemptive Instability

28:24 Conclusion