What Is Coming Next?!

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Z Media Team
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Joseph Z reveals God’s desire for America and the role the church is required to play at this time, in today’s prophetic broadcast. He glories in God’s mercy and benevolence for steering Hurricane Milton off its intended agenda and reducing it to a mere threat. He declares that so shall the Lord rescue America from the evil agenda the enemy plans. He also informs us that America has one more round of opportunity because the young lions are coming. He discloses that consistent study of God’s word will draw us closer to Him and cause Him to reveal the secret of what happens around us. 

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Next, Joseph asserts that the Lord will save America; assuring us that the gates of hell can not prevail against the body of Christ(the Ecclesia). He observes that we’re in a time of great need for mature believers, and God is willing to do things in our time that we would not believe even if we were told; only if we cooperate with Him. Again, he declares that God will save the day through His people in a way that will bring great change, energy, and strength. Thus, the people of God must begin to use their weaponry and wear the joy of the Lord as armor, for it is God’s will that we are saved and delivered from this present evil age. 

Moreover, he explains that God is sovereign but not completely responsible for our decisions in life, hence, our cooperation is needed for God to do the impossible in our lives. Interestingly, he makes us realize that we as believers are responsible for changing the things around us because God has given us the authority to destroy the powers of darkness. Additionally, he informs us that God wants us to win more than we do, for Jesus came that we may have life more abundantly. He also clarifies that God disciplines His own through His words and not through any punishment we may have experienced, for it is only the devil who steals, kills, and destroys. 


0:00 Introduction

05:00 Is America Going Down?

06:36 Amos 3:7

07:37 What is Next for the US?

10:27 2025: What to Expect

13:50 A Collision of Technologies

16:12 Gos will Save the Day

18:33 Understanding God’s Sovereignty

29:54 Conclusion