In today’s live prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z enlightens us about the different types of prophecy. He outlines the types of prophecy: Roeh(a visionary, leadership, and sons of Issachar type of prophecy which many leaders operate on). Nabi is another form of prophecy that springs from inspiration while Chazah means to gaze. The gift of seeing visions also falls under the Chazah type of prophecy.
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Moving on, the last of the prophetic forms of prophecy is Chozeh. Joseph explains this to mean a form of prophecy that involves leaning forward into the horizon, it is an involuntary form of prophecy and only comes when God wants to show the future to the one He chooses. He leads us to 1 Corinthians 9:2 to establish the difference between the office of the prophet and the gift of prophecy.
Moreover, he describes a prophet as a five-fold minister using the gift of prophecy; clarifying that the five-fold ministry is for the edifying and equipping of the body of Christ. This also applies to the office of the prophet, as their sole responsibility is to edify and equip the church. He further clarifies that prophets have a responsibility to train those with the gifts of prophecy and one can operate in two or more of the types of prophecy. He then urges us to exercise our five senses to discern good and evil as instructed by Hebrews 5:14.
0:00 Introduction
02:15 Understanding Nabi: A Type of Prophecy
03:29 Chazah: A Type of Prophecy
09:13 Chozeh: A Type of Prophecy
11:06 1 Corinthians 9:2
13:07 Who is a Prophet?
16:50 Witnesses of Christ Jesus
20:16 Hebrews 5:14: Exercise Your Senses
21:15 Conclusion