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Z Media Team
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“Do you not think I can do a financial economic miracle if you only believe”?

In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z brings our attention to Elon Musk's latest creation, an autonomous humanoid that can easily pass off as a house assistant. This brings to life Joseph’s December 31, 2020 prophecy, in which he revealed that quantum computing would reach a level where it would be combined with artificial intelligence to create a sophisticated robot capable of doing many things. Also, in his interview on TBN, Joseph expresses his concern for the rapid growth of AI, revealing the dangers of this knowledge in the hands of evil people who could program it to inflict harm on the human population. 

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Next, Joseph assures us that the Lord has granted the US one more round of opportunity because the young lions are coming. He insists that the Lord will save America because of the Ecclesia, even though some parts of this nation have embraced darkness. He enlightens us on how to know what happens next in our culture, asserting that reading God’s word until it saturates our senses and praying in the Holy Spirit will guide us into recognizing God’s plans in our lives and environment. He warns that we’re approaching a time where there will be a collision of technologies while urging us to pray for the emergence of technologies that will avert the agenda of digital prisons. 

What’s more, he informs us that God will save the day but will do it through His people, thus, the people are urged to begin to use their weaponry, the joy of the Lord, which is our strength. He reminds us that it’s God’s will for us to be delivered from this present evil age while explaining God’s sovereignty. He clarifies that God needs our cooperation in this world to push back against the gates of hell and the powers of darkness. Again, he reveals there will be a collision of darkness, shouts of WWIII, and solar flares. 

Furthermore, he informs us that we’re nearing a time when God is bringing us revelatory insights, to see us to the other side of the valley, and this will be followed by intense exposure. He insists that God will confound the wisdom of the wise, making foolishness out of wisdom, and a way in the red sea. He urges us not to faint in fear but trust in God’s wisdom to carry us through these difficult times, for God is our sun and shield, He bestows favor and does not withhold any good thing from those who walk uprightly. 


0:00 Introduction

01:00 Autonomous Humanoid: Robot Househelp?

01:57 Joseph’s Past Prophecy on AI & Technology 

07:44 Is America Going Down?

10:11 What is Next? 

16:20 Habakkuk 1:5 God’s Plans

20:18 What is the Will of God?

20:55 Understanding God’s Sovereignty

23:41 Collision of Darkness & God’s Intervention

28:43 The Year’s Prophetic Timeline

38:34 Intervention is Coming

44:12 Conclusion