She Went to Heaven! - No Limits QA

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Z Media Team
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Today in the No Limits Q&A session, Heather Z shares her near-death experience, disclosing a glimpse of heaven one can only imagine while revealing some interesting facts about death. 

She narrates how she snapped her neck at twelve, a move that almost claimed her life except for God’s divine intervention. During this time, she recalls her soul leaving her body and finding herself in heaven where she recognized some relatives and a beautiful blade of grass that caught her attention. She also shares her interaction with God, revealing how God communicated with her, regarding her assignment here on earth.  

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Next, Heather shares how her near-death experience was recorded in the Book of Miracles at the hospital where she was admitted after she snapped her neck. Again, she revisits her experience when she was pregnant with her first child who was reported dead in the womb but came back to life after Joseph prayed over her and declared life as instructed by God. 

Heather further asserts that sickness is illegal for every blood-bath believer because it goes against our covenant with Jesus and all that he has provided for us through His death on the cross. Interestingly, she recalls how her total surrender and growing love for Jesus rescued her from her sick bed where she had to lay for two and a half years battling with a hereditary kidney failure. She recounts the need to protect our faith in times of difficulty because any distraction not in line with God’s word could inflict fear and shatter our faith in God, leading to more dire consequences. 


0:00 Introduction

01:33 Heather’s Miraculous Healing 

05:10 Heather’s Interaction with God

09:45 More Testimonies: The Miracle Baby

13:35 Heather’s Second Healing Journey

21:11 Conclusion