Red Church w/ Special Guest Bob Yandian!

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“Grace is God acting freely by His nature, the law of love”. 

In Red Church today, special guest, Bob Yandian shares a message on the nature of grace that comes from God. He cites Romans 6:14 to establish that sin shall not have dominion over us as believers, because we’re not under law but grace. He makes us realize that Christian growth takes us out of the life of sin, for God’s grace is sufficient to follow the footprints of Christ Jesus once we become born-again. He clarifies that we had no choice with Adam because he was the problem, but Jesus came and became our solution, and everyone who embraces Him frees himself from the wrath of the law. 

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Next, Pastor Bob explains that while we had no choice with Adam, now we have a choice with Jesus: to receive Him as our Lord and Savior to be saved. He makes us realize that we do not have our own righteousness, but embody Jesus’ righteousness, and when God looks unto us He sees His son. Interestingly, he instructs that the law was only given to one nation, the nation of Israel, but Jesus’ blood was given to all the nations. Again, he references Ephesians 2:13 to explain that at the death of Jesus, all the nations and races were brought together to the foot of the cross.

What’s more, he brings to mind the simplicity of the gospel, which is that we are sinners in need of salvation. He also clarifies that the best way to keep the law is to live by God’s word and depend on the Holy Spirit of God. He instructs that being in Christ is the only way to keep the law because Christ kept the law by His submission to the death on the cross to set us free from the chains of the law. He leads us to understand that the law did not save Abraham, but his faith, because His faith and belief in God were counted for him as righteousness. 

Furthermore, Pastor Bob elaborates that the plan of salvation was not in keeping the law, but by faith in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. He then clarifies that the law is kept by obedience to God, His word, and depending on the power of the Holy Spirit; thus, the law is kept by being spiritual. More importantly, he opines that the opposite of the law is not lawlessness but holiness, and righteousness by grace, through faith. He then concludes with seven points that define God’s grace. 


0:00 Introduction

02:55 Understanding Grace

05:45 The Downside of the Law

10:18 Only One Sacrifice Can Save You

14:52 Ephesians 2:13

17:31 The Simplicity of Salvation

20:37 The Best Way to Keep the Law

24:24 Repentance: The Essence of the Gospel

30:01 Seven Points that Define God’s Grace

34:35 Conclusion