Last Days Timeline Explained!

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Z Media Team
3 months 1.2K Views

**Walk Ye in the Way of the Lord**

In today's prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z outlines the timeline of the last days. He emphasizes the importance of being strong as we approach a period of instability, which, despite its challenges, will be redemptive. Joseph shares a vision he received from God, urging him to reach higher toward his divine calling. He reassures us that America has one more opportunity, as the "young lions" are coming. He encourages us to embrace God’s call for collaboration for the kingdom’s sake, emphasizing that kingdom work is not merely a mission but a commission. 

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Next, Joseph delves into the concept of eternity, discussing the timelines leading up to the second coming of Jesus. He identifies when the Millennium reign of Jesus will begin and describes how we will be transformed to be like Him, taking on a supernatural appearance. Notably, he warns that the devil will make one last attempt to deceive people after Jesus' reign, which will provoke God's wrath from heaven. Those who side with the devil will face destruction by fire. This will be followed by the white throne judgment, where the righteous will be aligned with the Lord, and the wicked will be cast into a lake of fire.

Joseph also situates us within the eschatological timeline, guiding us on how to utilize our gifts while we are still here. He instructs us to be like the sons of Issachar, who understood the signs of the times and knew what actions to take. He highlights the importance of aligning ourselves with the right community to achieve our purpose. Furthermore, he explains that discovering our gifts is essential for finding our calling and encourages us to be intentional in seeking our purpose and connecting with the right people.


0:00 Introduction

01:18 Come Up Higher!

05:01 An Extended Season of Mercy

08:12 The Great Commission

09:12 Eternity Past & Future

18:07 The Sons of Issachar

20:13 Conclusion