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Z Media Team
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Learn about the prophetic events leading up to quarters one and two. Joseph Z draws attention to nuclear threats, the WEF agenda, the dark secrets of corporate robbers, UFOs, and the real entities behind the alien narrative. 

Joseph shares a clip of Tucker Carlson, revealing that we’re closer to nuclear war than we have ever been in all of history, due to the inept decisions of those in power. He observes that demonic forces have been all over the place since Trump’s victory, intending to drive the kingdom of God backward, but we must be wary about cooperating with the devil to achieve it.

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Next, Joseph shares another clip of RFK expressing his dissatisfaction over the WEF global reforms and the corporate robbers behind the plan to render the people powerless, asserting that their ambition blinds them and they’ll be doomed for underestimating the power of the people. Also, he recalls his December 31, 2023, broadcast, where he revealed that a new illness would be out and would have similar symptoms as the AIDs virus. He urges us to stay alert and pray that these demonic plans will not go as planned. 

Joseph further insists that the fabric of reality will be torn, leading to more demonic manifestations in our physical world. He clarifies that aliens do not exist, but demons do and they disguise as aliens to make the world accept them into our physical space.  Interestingly, Joseph draws our attention to the works of Dr. Daniel Nems, a quantum physicist, who has developed a groundbreaking device called “Energy Vision” that may capture images of entities from parallel dimensions. However, Joseph urges us to have no fear, assuring us that the name of Jesus is a fortress, the righteous run to it and are safe.

Additionally, Joseph shares more clips of people reporting their paranormal encounters with mysterious beings in the oceans and tunnels, and how they were left paralyzed with fear at the sight of these beings. Nonetheless, Joseph encourages us with God’s words, reminding us of the Bible’s warning about these things and the events that will occur leading up to the coming of the Antichrist. He assures us that the gates of hell can not prevail against the Ecclesia, thus, the Antichrist can not manifest now until the Ecclesia is out of the way. 


0:00 Introduction

11:32 Tucker Carlson on WWIII

20:34 RFK on WEF & Global Reforms

24:10 New Illness: Joseph’s Past Prophecy

28:59 The Fabric of Reality: What You Need to Know

31:06 A Recent UFO Activity

36:49 Dr. Daniel Nems’ Energy Vision

42:35 We Found Out Things We Shouldn’t

48:36 Luke 21:25: II Thessalonians 2

54:50 Conclusion