Where We Are Headed in 2025!

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Z Media Team
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 **Whatever you bow down to on your way up to the mountain, will rule you when you get to the top** 

Join Joseph Z and our special guest in today’s live broadcast as they deliver more prophetic messages for 2025.

Steve Strang alludes to Trump’s victory to emphasize the power of God to turn situations around; he urges us to be part of the harvest of souls in 2025. Pastor Mondo also shares his prophecy for 2025, revealing that the time has come for us to be prepared because we’re moving to the pressure of the ages. He highlights areas we need to pay attention to in the nation because there are sinister situations that would seek to bring people to their knees, one of which is food shortages. He urges us to be prepared for what lies ahead and trust God. 

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Next, Clay Clark reminds us that God remains the beginning and the end, alerting us that most Bible prophecies are beginning to unfold before our eyes, urging us to revisit some Books in the Bible to acquaint ourselves with what the Bible warned would take place before the end comes. Also, Robert Hotchkin asserts that God will launch a movement of revolutionaries to put His kingdom on display and turn the spirits of influence in various spheres around, thereby advancing the purpose and plans of God. He states that 2025 will be a year of double grace, particularly in areas where it felt like nothing was happening; double grace to believe afresh, step out afresh, and rule in the power we have in Christ Jesus. 

Furthermore, Ben and Kara Diaz encourage us, instructing us not to grow wary of planting good seeds, but to be strengthened in the Lord because our harvest is coming. Again, Ken Peters states that the church of Jesus will gain her fight back, taking rounds for the ever-increasing Kingdom of God. Bayless  Conley reminds us that Jesus was never in a hurry, urging us to be like Jesus, who is people-oriented, and relational. On the other hand, Charles Karuku challenges the body of Christ to go all out for the advancement of God’s kingdom, asserting that this year will be the best season ever for the Church. Also, Jon Groves urges us to continue pressing on to know Jesus, for we will witness a revival rain that will transform our desires into reality. Lastly, Kerrick Butler urges us to be who God has called us to be this year, and not to compromise nor conform to the ways of this world, for God is rearranging and repositioning us for greater influence in 2025. 


0:00 Introduction

02:19 Steve Strang’s Prophetic Message

04:42 Mondo De La Vega’s Prophetic Message

17:13 Clay Clark’s Message

20:50 Robert Hotchking’s Prophetic Words

27:37 Ben & Kara Diaz’s prophetic Words

30:41 Words of Ken Peters

33:22 Bayless Conley’s Message

38:50 Charles Karuku’s Message

40:46 Jon Groves Message

46:15 Kerrick Buttler’s Message

51:03 Conclusion