Prophetic Declarations for 2025!

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Z Media Team
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**If the Holy Spirit loves you enough to be grieved by your disobedience, then the Holy Spirit loves you enough to be pleased when you obey**

In this prophetic live broadcast, you’ll learn about 2025 prophetic messages from Joseph Z and our special guests.  Dr. Malachi gives his prophetic words for 2025 saying that the spirit of accusation will fall in 2025 and that the Lord will deliver his people from the desire to know the worst about everybody else. He asserts that 2025 is the year we seek what the Lord says, feels, and knows about His people; insisting that there’ll be an open heaven for Generation Z.  Also, we hear the words of Carl Anderson, declaring that 2025 is a day of the Lord's scenario, encompassing judgment and the element of salvation. He discloses that an extreme judgment is coming to the US regarding natural disasters; urging us to walk into the season of seeking the Lord, follow, obey, and stay faithful to God. 

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Next, Che Ahn shares what he sees for this year, revealing that corruption and injustice will be taken out of our governmental system, for God is raising America again to be an Apostolic nation, bringing reforms to other nations. He reminds us that Christ's kingdom is coming soon, informing us that the greatest revival is spreading across countries we did not expect; urging us to shine brightly till Jesus tarries. Again, Lou Engle shares his words for the year, assuring us that God has given us as we believed, a president that will provide an opportunity for reformation in the US. He urges us to pray fervently that God’s spirit will be bestowed on the newly elected to do His job to God’s glory and our happiness. 

Similarly, David Diga Hernandez urges us to be mindful of putting Jesus first, steadfast in prayer, and stay grounded in God’s words. Also, Larry and Mercedes Sparks share their messages, revealing that we’ve been in a John 3:16 season; however, we’re expected to celebrate this verse while pressing in for Luke 3:16. Mercedes asserts that Biblical Jesus is about to be profound, flooring all the false Christs being extolled in our culture today, and that the zeal to speak about Jesus will grip many. On the other hand, Robert Henderson believes that if we put God first regardless of what the year holds, we will live up to God’s expectations. Jenny Donnelly urges us to get out of our way this year and desist from doubting our capability of what God has in store for us. She insists that we must humble ourselves, so as not to be in our way; insisting that we must get out of our way, have all hands on deck, and set up the next generation for success. 

Furthermore, we receive more prophetic declarations from Alan Didio, Kynan Bridges, and Todd Coconato who emphasizes the church stepping in through the open door opportunity and taking control of what Christ has for us, restoring our edge and effectiveness in the nation. We’re also assured that we’re stepping into a season of prosperity and blessings, and shall continue to be the restraining force as the body of Christ. Kynan believes that we must contend for God’s promises, for 2025 is a season of discernment and we will be expected to discern the times to know what to do in this season. In conclusion, Brian and Jessi Gibson urge us to continually lift our shield of faith in 2025 and allow God to quench every fiery dart of the wicked one. Brian ends with more prophetic revelations for 2025. 


0:00 Introduction

03:17 Dr. Malachi O’Brien’s Prophetic Words

06:58 Carl Anderson’s Message

11:40 Prophetic Words of Che Ahn

17:12 Lou Engle’s Words

24:53 David Diga Hernandez’s Words

27:53 Larry and Mercedes Sparks

34:10 Robert Henderson’s Words

39:08 Jenny Donnelly’s Words

49:22 Todd Coconato’s Message

51:52 Kynan Bridges’s Message

55:11 Brian & Jessi Gibson’s Words

1:00:41 Conclusion