Rightsizing the Prophetic!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z and Rick Renner teach how to rightsize the prophetic.

Rick points out one flaw in the prophetic circle: a lack of accountability. He explains that one should be acquainted with whom their prophets follow, whom they are in submission to, whom they answer to, and who calls them to order. Also, if they’re not in a relationship with people who have a right to speak to them about their lives, we must be wary of listening to them. Moving on, Joseph explains that the natural comes before the spiritual, thus, we must first adhere to the Lord’s instructions in the natural before expecting a supernatural outcome that returns us to the natural realm.  

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Next, Joseph further explains that, by praying in the spirit and speaking in tongues, we can bring order to the chaos in our lives. He also highlights the importance of tribal alignment, referencing the sons of Issachar, who understood the signs of their times, took appropriate action, and surrounded themselves with the right individuals to accomplish their goals. Lastly, Rick advises against being judgmental but encourages evaluating situations to determine their authenticity and whether they align with God’s principles. 

Furthermore, Joseph states the importance of going to God’s word, as the more we submit ourselves to one another, God delights in us and advances our gifts further. Again, he references Ephesians 4:11 to explain the role of prophets in the body of Christ, which is for the equipping and edifying of Christ’s body. Also, he clarifies our purpose and calling in life, revealing that we can only reach our vision if we’re aligned with the right people. 


0:00 Introduction

03:15 The Natural & Spiritual

05:24 Activating God’s Will in the Natural

10:01 Tribal Alignment in Prophetic Rightsizing

13:42 Importance of Submission in the Prophetic

15:49 Ephesians 4:11 

20:01 Reaching Your Vision 

22:29 Conclusion