Red Church - Surviving The Tribulation Timeline!

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Z Media Team
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In Red Church today, Joseph Z discusses tribulation by outlining a biblical timeline of events and offers insightful revelations regarding how believers should respond during this period. He references Matthew 24:3- 7 to remind us of Christ’s warning against deception in the last days when many will come in Christ’s name to mislead others. This passage further details what to expect during the Last Days, indicating that the challenges we face today are merely the beginning of more severe trials to come. He emphasizes the need to maintain hope as we navigate these difficult times.

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Again, Joseph explores the concepts of eternity's past and future, examining the various timeframes that define the age of grace, the church age, and the last days. Although we are presently in the last days, he explains that this era will eventually culminate in a period known as the Great Tribulation, which is divided into two segments of three and a half years each. He clarifies that the tribulation will commence during these final times, and upon Jesus’ return, the saints will be caught up, or raptured, to meet the Lord in the air. This event will be succeeded by the Bema judgment, the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the battle of Armageddon.

Moreover, Joseph highlights the timeframe for Jesus' millennium reign, noting that the devil will perform a final act of deception following the Lord’s reign. This will result in the devil's ultimate destruction at God’s command, signaled by fire descending from heaven to eliminate him and his followers. Following this, the great white throne judgment will occur, leading to a new heaven and earth, wherein everyone will receive their due reward from God.


0:00 Introduction

02:41 Matthew 24:3-7

08:04 How to Respond to this Difficult Times

09:01 Understanding Eternity's Past & Future

11:01 The Last Days & End Times

11:52 The Rapture & Bema Judgment

12:40 The Great Judgment & Millennium Reign 

16:01 Birth Pangs: What You Need to Know

20:56 Conclusion