We Are at Turning Point!

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Z Media Team
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Join Joseph Z on the Sid Roth network as he shares a word for the coming season while giving us a sneak peek into his early prophetic years.

Joseph begins by sharing a prophetic experience where God revealed to him that his words on the hearts of men will be like a “seed cast into the ground, that broke open a concrete with a giant crater in the middle of it”. He interprets this, revealing that a time shall come when people’s hearts will become hard and callous to the things of God and it will take a now-revelatory word to break them out of their situations. He also shares his early prophetic years, and how he began to hear from God. 

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Next, Joseph shares his first prophetic experience, how he witnessed a miracle that completely changed his life and proffered answers to the fight within him. He also shares how he was reluctant to answer the prophetic call on his life and the many experiences that helped nudge him into accepting the responsibilities of the prophetic mandate, on his life. Interestingly, he revisits what God has shown him about Decapolis(ten cities burning) and the events that will characterize 2025, 2026, and beyond. 

Joseph further shares what he sees for 2025, revealing that if we could get to July unscathed, we will begin to witness a turn of the tide. He urges us to pray fervently for the president-elect, for the Lord has shown that the shepherd will be struck in hopes that the flock will scatter. Even though several failed attempts have been made, we must be persistent in prayer to prevent any more attempts or disasters. In conclusion, he asserts that the church is the nuclear deterrent in this coming season, and beyond. 


0:00 Introduction

03:02 Joseph’s Early Prophetic Days

07:25 Joseph’s First Prophetic Experience

12:17 Joseph’s Call & the Reluctance to Answer

17:30 Decapolis: Joseph’s Past Prophecy

19:04 July 2025: What You Need to Know

21:33 Conclusion