The Key to Your Breakthrough!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s live broadcast, Joseph Z reveals the key to our breakthrough and the importance of having a revelation from God. He shares his vision from his visit to Noah’s Ark, where God revealed that America will go through four years of redemptive instability. This instability will be marked by significant challenges, but it will ultimately serve the church and our nation positively. Joseph emphasizes that we are currently in a season of "rightsizing," drawing parallels with the revelatory experiences of Paul and John. 

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Joseph also explains that Paul received a revelation of Jesus and also from Jesus, while John received a revelation from Jesus. He stresses that God expects us to receive a personal revelation from His Son, Jesus. It is not sufficient to simply know God’s words; we must also understand whether Jesus has spoken to us through those words and how they apply to our current situation.

Moreover, Joseph instructs that a revelation of Jesus encompasses an understanding of what His Blood has paid for, rather than focusing solely on what we must do to obtain it. He encourages us to continually seek God by studying His word and praying in the Holy Spirit until we receive a deeper revelation of Him.


0:00 Introduction

02:39 Four Years of Redemptive Instability

03:07 I Will Surprise them All

06:24 Season of Order & Rightsizing

08:18 John’s Revelatory Experience

16:02 What is A Revelation of Jesus

19:40 Conclusion