No Limits - Power or Redemption! with Pastor Bob Yandian

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Z Media Team
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In today’s episode of No Limits, Joseph Z and special guest Pastor Bob Yandian discuss redemption and how mankind was brought from slavery to freedom. Pastor Bob explains the meaning of redemption, revealing that God first created man before breathing the breath of life into him. In contrast, a woman was first created, then made, and built by God with a rib. This illustrates how God built His church, declaring that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

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He instructs that Adam and Eve were first created in God’s image and likeness, but their sin stripped them of God’s image, making them slaves to sin. This is why Christ was born outside of sin and the slave market to redeem mankind from his slavery. He urges us to walk away from the bondage we’re born into and embrace our freedom in Christ Jesus.

Pastor Bob further explains that Christ has given us the power of the Holy Spirit to assist us in witnessing Him and to provide us with a revelation of Christ Himself. Interestingly, we learn that Jesus came through a virgin to bypass the curse of sin inherited from Adam, thereby securing freedom for all mankind condemned to slavery due to the sin of the first man, Adam.

Additionally, he elaborates that redemption means “buying people back” from the slavery of sin, granting them a life of freedom in Christ. He then encourages us, informing us that we’re here for a reason; though we might not see it today, God will reveal the significance of our calling.


0:00 Introduction

05:11 Redemption: Meaning

08:10 The Bride of Christ: What You Need to Know

12:09 Freedom From Slavery

17:17 The Word Became Flesh

34:46 Prayer: Conclusion