Interpreting the Voice of God - Voice of God With Joseph Z

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In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z teaches us how to recognize and interpret the voice of God. 

He highlights the importance of revelation, interpretation, and application, referencing 1 Corinthians 4:6 to emphasize the necessity of not exceeding what is written, particularly in revelatory contexts. Additionally, Proverbs 29:18 points to the need for revelation in our lives, stating that where there is no vision, people cast off restraint, but those who heed wisdom’s instructions are blessed. 

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Joseph explains that God communicates with us through the spirit, while the soul represents our mind, will, and emotions—how we intellectually process our surroundings. On the other hand, our body is where we work out, or apply our daily routines and physical experiences, as noted in 1 Thessalonians 5:23. He also discusses depth perception about the revelations we receive from God, clarifying that a revelation is not always immediate; it often takes time to manifest. 

He also outlines the process of revelation, interpretation, and application, noting that revelation occurs in the spirit, interpretation in the soul, and application in the body. As we wait for the manifestations of the revelations we receive, Joseph emphasizes the importance of applying faith and patience. Faith comes from believing God's word, while patience involves remaining steadfast in that belief as we await fulfillment. 

Joseph further stresses the significance of using common sense throughout this process and encourages us to read the Bible until it profoundly affects our emotions and decision-making. He then references Romans 12:1-2 to highlight the necessity of dedicating our lives to God; warning against conforming to worldly standards.


0:00 Introduction

03:00 Rvevaltion, Interpretation & Application

03:31 1 Corinthians 4:6: Proverbs 29:18

05:48 1Thesssalonians 5:23 

08:27 Comprehending Revelatory Moments

16:41 Navigating Your Way into Hearing from God

17:31 Roans 12:1-2: Present Your Body as Living Sacrifice

24:00 Prayer: Conclusion