What Is the Difference between Real and False Prophets - Voice of God with Joseph Z

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Joseph Z highlights several ways to identify false prophets in today’s live broadcast.

He references Matthew 24:11, reminding us of Christ's warning about false prophets who will arise to deceive many in the last days. He interprets this deception as leading individuals to wander off course, preventing them from attaining God's call in their lives and reaching their full potential. Joseph clarifies that followers of false prophets are destined to miss their goals in life, as the devil distracts them with strange doctrines that throw them off track. 

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Next, Joseph establishes the existence of real prophets, false prophets, and novices in prophecy. Real prophets are driven by the Bible, teachable, generous, and submitted to authority. In contrast, false prophets are self-focused, greedy, and driven by hidden agendas. They often view themselves as special but are fully aware of their actions. Additionally, 1 Timothy 3:6 discusses novices in the prophetic, who are unaware of their ignorance in this area. They exist in a grey area, at a crossroads where they could either become true prophets or fall into the category of false ones. 

Joseph further explains that novices can be brought back to the truth and can repent after receiving a rebuke. They have the choice to turn toward the light or to succumb to their pride, which could lead to becoming completely reprobate and irredeemable. He emphasizes that real prophets are called to equip and edify the body of Christ. He references II Peter 2:1-3 to outline the characteristics of false prophets, as well as II Thessalonians 2:9-12 to provide an antidote against them. Thus, those who embrace the love of the truth cannot be deceived, as the truth sets us free from all deception. 

Finally, Joseph points us to Revelation 19:10, explaining that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and we are called to worship God in truth and spirit.


0:00 Introduction

03:52 Matthew 24:11 

05:46 Real & False Prophets

08:41 1 Timothy 3:6: Novices in the Prophetic

13:38 Role of Real Prophets

14:59 2 Peter 2:1-3

15:53 II Thessalonians 2:9-12: The Antidote for False Prophets

19:16 Revelation 19:10: The Testimony of Jesus

24:06 Conclusion