Red Church - Healing Is Yours!

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In Red Church today, you’ll learn how to obtain your healing from God, as Heather Z shares her healing testimonies and how she survived an illness the doctors believed would be her end.  

Heather shares a sad story of how her son became autistic, informing us that our first response to ugly situations in our lives determines how victorious we will be in the end. She explains how the holy spirit guided her in managing her son’s health till he became whole contrary to what the doctors predicted. She makes us realize that healing is versed and has no singular approach to it, as God’s spirit will guide us to many ways to heal ourselves and our loved ones if we tune in with Him.

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Next, Heather shares some physical and spiritual steps she took to ensure her son got better. She discloses how God’s word became one of his routine medications, and how she also declares God’s word and positive words over him continually. She also highlights the need to be compassionate to oneself as the challenges can take a toll on one’s health. Again, she shares how she overcame a hereditary kidney disease after the doctors reported that she would not survive it because it caused the failure of both of her kidneys. 

Interestingly, we learn how Heather’s dead baby came back to life after Joseph laid hands on her and declared life over her womb. This happened miraculously after the doctors confirmed the baby was dead. Reassuringly, she reminds us of the enemy’s desire to get us cornered and frustrated by afflicting us with difficult challenges; however, Heather believes that our first response to these situations will determine the end. She narrates how she saturated her mind with God’s words to the point of her dreaming about it and hearing God command her to leave the hospital and she never went back because that one voice of God she obeyed was the miracle that set her free.  

Heather further shares how doubt sneaked into her mind after she was healed, leading her to relapse once again until the Holy Spirit guided her into embracing what she needed to become whole again. She reveals that healing comes from faith and deliverance, assuring us that we’re already healed in the spirit but must move past our emotions and the negative voices in our minds to activate our healing. 


0:00 Introduction

04:22 How Healing Works

05:27 Managing Autism

09:31 Heather’s Healing Testimony

17:17 Heather’s Pregnancy Testimony

21:24 Heather’s Advice for Those Seeking Healing

32:01 Conclusion