Red Church - The Reward for Faithfulness!

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Z Media Team
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**Life is Temporary, and Everyone Answers to God**

In Red Church today, Joseph Z explains how to be watchful like the five wise virgins from the parable of the ten virgins while highlighting the importance of faithfulness to God's call.

He references Matthew 25:1-13, which tells the story of the ten virgins waiting for their groom's arrival. Five were wise for bringing extra oil for their lamps, while the other five were foolish because they did not have enough oil. Joseph emphasizes the need to be alert in God’s word and to prepare our hearts so that we are not caught off guard, as no one knows the time of the Lord’s coming. He continues with Matthew 25:13-29, which discusses the parable of the talents, demonstrating that God can take away our gifts and blessings if we are not faithful. 

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Next, Joseph explains how we can keep watch, as exemplified by the wise virgins. He clarifies that we keep watch by ensuring our oil is filled—being in tune with the Holy Spirit, reading God’s word, praying in the spirit, letting go of unforgiveness, and remaining steadfast in our spiritual battles. We not only need to be watchful but also faithful in what has been entrusted to us. He emphasized the importance of judging God rightly, as we tend to reflect the nature of the God we serve.

Interestingly, Joseph points out that being wicked and lazy can lead us to misjudge God. He cautions against being busy without being productive and warns about the fear that arises from a distorted perception of God. He further references Luke 19:11-27 to provide deeper insight into the parable of the talents, revealing that our faithfulness is crucial and determines whether our gifts will be multiplied or taken away. He urges us to act like the God we serve, to dedicate our time to what He has called us to do, and to express our love for God through our actions. As Christ said, “Whoever says he loves me and does not keep my commandments is a liar.”


0:00 Introduction

04:42 Matthew 25:1-13: Parable of the Ten Virgins

12:25 Matthew 25:13-29: The Parable of the Talents

19:20 How to be Watchful

26:37 Luke 19:11-27: Luke’s Parable of the Talents

42:44 Prayer: Conclusion