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Z Media Team
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**Facts frustrate negative people**

In this recent live prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z and Perry Stone discuss Trump’s agenda for Gaza, explaining why evil people thrive and what is expected of the body of Christ during this time. 

Perry makes some observations concerning Trump’s new proposition for Gaza, revealing that Gaza could be in a more prosperous situation in the future if only certain steps can be taken toward its advancement, and it requires one who would stand to make that singular salvation move. Also, he asserts that many people will be shocked to their marrow when they learn about all the people involved in the corruption that has crumbled our nation when the JFK files are completely released. Again, he warns that the president should apply caution in the areas he visits during this time because the security of those places can not be vouched for. 

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Perry stresses the need for the president to be safe, especially at this time when he’s going after major cartels. He also cautions against accusations of one another in the body of Christ, as it’s part of the devil’s playbook to destroy God's good works in His body. He also highlights the destructive power of negative media, as it tricks people into believing that a lie is the truth. When people listen to negativity in extremes, it turns off the rational part of their brain. Interestingly, negative people are reported to have low dopamine, and as a result, they’re never happy about anything and they feed off of accusation, hate, and negative news. 

Perry further urges us to pray always to ward off negative spirits that abound around us because there’s peace in the Lord’s presence. He also encourages us to desist from giving attention to conspiracies and things that have no impact on our salvation. Instead, we’re called to focus on our salvation, God’s word, His kingdom, and righteousness. Again, he brings to mind that God only chastises those whom He loves, and all those who thrive in wickedness are not in God’s good books. He further cautions against taking up people’s offense because we already have our fair share of problems with those around us. 


0:00 Introduction

02:13 Trump on Gaza: What You Need to Know

05:40 Uncovering of Hidden Truths

12:42 Message to the Body of Christ

15:00 The Destructive Power of Negative Media

24:28 God Chastises Those He Loves

30:11 Prayer: Conclusion