**The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than the dwellings of Jacob.**
Much of the world’s economic system is founded on the principles of the gates of hell and a Babylonian mindset. In this live prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z teaches us how to align our lives with God’s will while encouraging us to confront Babylon and spread God’s kingdom.
Joseph references Exodus 10:21-23 to remind us that while it was dark in Egypt, there was light in Goshen, illustrating that God’s response to darkness is light. He emphasizes that we are the light in this dark world, as God’s word reveals in John 8:12 and Matthew 5:14: anyone who follows Christ will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life in them.
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Next, Joseph explains that darkness is often accompanied by fear, which can strip us of God’s wisdom, hindering our ability to discern His provision for us. Revelation 21:23 further demonstrates that God is light: “The city had no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light.”
Joseph urges us to recognize that God has ordained the church to stand against the gates of hell and the powers of darkness. In this context, the church is meant to rise as the premier superpower in the world, with the ability to transform society and the global economy. He calls us to unite as the body of Christ to become the leading force in the world. In conclusion, he asserts that the only way to break hell’s economy is to seek God’s kingdom first, and everything else will be added to us.
0:00 Introduction
04:27 Exodus 10:21-23
05:33 What is God’s Response to Darkness?
07:07 John 8:12: Mathew 5:14
10:46 Revelation 21:23
11:38 What Stands Against the Powers of Darkness?
16:24 Matthew 6:31-32: God’s Economic Plan
25:06 Conclusion