Today, Joseph Z continues to explore the mystery surrounding Jesus, the magi, and the valuable gifts they presented to Him. He emphasizes the significance of these gifts in the context of Jesus' kingship and mission on Earth.
Joseph explains that the magi were fulfilling a scriptural prophecy, referencing Psalm 72:10-13 to establish Jesus' kingship. Additionally, the Book of Isaiah 60:6 foretold the visit of the magi, underscoring the importance of the gifts they offered, which symbolized Jesus' kingship.Â
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Next, Joseph notes that the gifts given to Jesus were of the highest quality, specifically the gold, which was reserved for dignitaries and ambassadors. Interestingly, he points out that the amount of frankincense presented was greater than the quantity of gold. He also clarifies that the magi were not merely three men on camels but rather an army of Chaldeans and astrologers, ready to proclaim who the Messiah was.
Joseph further estimates the value of the gifts presented to Jesus by the magi and discusses the implications of Jesus being the firstborn. According to II Corinthians 8:9, Jesus, having the right of the firstborn, chose to give His riches away. He became poor for our sake so that through His poverty, we might become rich. In conclusion, Joseph assures us that God has provided a way for us to endure, grow beyond our burdens, and navigate this present evil age.
0:00 Introduction
05:47 Psalm 72:10-13
08:44 Isaiah 60:6
10:37 Matthew 2:11: The Fortune Gifts
14:24 Prophetic Significance of Jesus as the FirstBorn
18:42 Who Did Jesus Will His Fortune to?
24:49 Conclusion