Activating Angels! - No Limits

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In today’s episode of No Limits, Joseph Z is joined by special guests to discuss how to activate angels and break free from hell’s economy.

Rick reveals that angels are present wherever God’s word is proclaimed, yet they remain unseen because they exist in the invisible realm. Joseph points out that sensationalizing angels undermines the legitimacy of their existence, cautioning against falling into Christian mysticism. He redirects our focus to God’s word, emphasizing that both the Church and the world deserve to see mature believers. He explains that angels can be activated by God’s word, and when we pray and declare God’s words, we activate angels, as they respond to God’s commands. 

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Joseph stresses that speaking God’s word in faith is the sole way to activate angels while cautioning against worshiping them, as they are servants like us, and only God deserves our worship. Additionally, Joseph shares insights from his book, “Breaking Hell’s Economy.” He asserts that we need a revelation of what we possess in Christ Jesus to overcome the wicked onslaught aiming to undermine the body of Christ. Alan Didio also shares his perspective on the book, stating that the body of Christ needs to separate itself from the spirit of poverty.

Interestingly, Joseph demystifies the Luciferian system and economy, explaining that the devil lacks the anointing and thus uses money as a tool to commit evil and destroy God’s works. He clarifies how the Magi severed hell’s economy from Jesus, revealing that God provides us with the necessary resources whenever He sends us on any assignment. We also learn that Jesus’ wealth was bequeathed to Joseph of Arimathea.

Importantly, Joseph explains that we can liberate ourselves from hell’s economy and operate in God’s economy through generous giving, reminding us that the anointing gradually destroys the yoke, allowing us to surpass what burdens us, restore our visions, and achieve complete deliverance from what confines us financially, physically, and emotionally, until everything begins to flow as God intended. Once again, Mike Signorelli confirms that radical generosity frees us from hell’s economy. Joseph concludes by emphasizing the importance of tithing, revealing that it rebukes the devourer and opens financial doors. 


0:00 Introduction

02:54 What Do Angels Look Like?

06:04 Mature Believers

06:34 How to Activate Angels

12:21 Breaking Hell’s Economy

14:06 The Luciferian Economy

18:15 How to Start Operating in God’s Economy

25:09 Is Tithing for the Old Testament Only?

28:07 Conclusion