Are We Living a Simulation? - Red Church

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Z Media Team
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In Red Church today, Joseph Z alerts us to a crucial opportunity to rise against darkness and spread God’s word into every corner of society. He emphasizes that the church serves as a moral and economic deterrent during these times.

Joseph asserts that the church acts as a significant restraint against the antichrist. He reminds us that God calls us to undertake actions we might not believe possible, even if someone had foretold them in our days. He reveals that we have a unique chance to confront the enemy and protect our generation. He notes that America has one more opportunity because the "young lions" are rising. These new leaders will not accept the complacency of our generation but will stand and roar against darkness. 

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He shares a vision of a period of downtime for the U.S., followed by a storm, with a shelter in the midst, where anyone who runs to it will be saved. This will lead to a process of reformation and a new, different America. He also predicts four years of redemptive instability, after which we have an opportunity at greatness. 

Joseph further reminds us that it’s our responsibility to carry God’s word into every nook and cranny of the governmental system and the fabric of society, as the devil takes hold wherever there is a void. He urges us to continue praying, reading Scripture, and making an impact wherever possible. 


0:00 Introduction

07:32 Come Up Higher!

11:52 One More Round

16:49 Downtime for the U.S.

18:30 Four Years of Redemptive Instability

20:30 Delay is Not Denial

24:01 The Church: A Nuclear Deterrent

25:16 Conclusion