This Is Coming Next! - No Limits

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Z Media Team
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In today’s episode of No Limits, Joseph Z shares a prophetic message about America’s future, warning of economic shifts and resurgences while urging us to pray to alter prophetic timelines.

Joseph recounts his experience at Trump Tower, relaying God’s message regarding America’s future. He reveals that America has one more round, as the young lions are coming. He confirms that we have exited phase one of the Young Lions and are now in the window for phase two. He asserts that we’ll witness a rightsizing in the next two years, accompanied by Decapolis in 2025. He also describes his vision on America’s mountain, where God revealed His calling for him to be a Watchman for America. 

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Next, Joseph discusses his visit to Noah’s Ark, sharing how God assured him that He would preserve America just as He preserved Noah and his entire household during the flood. He reveals that if we can get through July, we will gain momentum in our journey toward victory. He insists that the church serves as both a nuclear and economic deterrent during this time, and victory shall come at the end of the economic downturn that confronts us. He clarifies that while we may face an economic recession, we will certainly encounter an economic resurgence.

He discloses that Russia will unite with the U.S. for a moral cause, and both countries will return to the Lord. Interestingly, he points out that God requires our cooperation; even though He is sovereign, He desires to work alongside His church because kingdom business is a co-mission rather than a mission; for, as God is, so are we in this world.

Joseph further asserts that we can alter narratives and prophecies through prayer and intercession. He cites how Mary intercepted the ascension of Jesus through her pleas to see the Lord, insisting that we can change prophecies and shift narratives as the body of Christ if we remain devoted to prayer. He urges us to pray against volcanic activity and earthquakes while encouraging vigilance against deception, which will be employed to lead many away from God. He asks us to push back against the antichrist spirit by praying, preaching the gospel, and making disciples of all nations because the gates of hell cannot prevail against the body of Christ. 


0:00 Introduction

03:31 Joseph’s Vision at Trump’s Tower

11:16 Decapolis in 2025

13:07 Come Up Higher!

16:55 The Noah’s Ark Experience

20:16 Recession & Resurgence

21:28 Collision of Superpowers 

27:08 Is Prophecy Conditional?

34:08 Warning about Volcanic Activities & Earthquake

40:09 Conclusion