Our God Is a Consuming Fire!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s Red Church broadcast, Joseph Z teaches about God being a consuming fire, as seen in the word of God taken from Hebrews 12:26-29. He emphasized that “What can be shaken would be shaken, so what can’t be shaken, will remain”. He proceeded by teaching that God worked with men in the old testament, and always manifested himself in the lives of the first man, Adam, but the fall of Adam stripped us of the privileges of beholding God in his true form; this led to Him showing himself to mankind in different forms, one of them being as a consuming fire. This is because God’s intention has always been to be close to mankind. He then clarified that, though, the fallen world we live in is because Adam failed; still God did not change despite this. 

Moving on, Joseph further explains that the presence of God was terrifying to mankind in the old, that they begged that God not show Himself to them; this fear was ignited due to man’s fallen nature, as it was different before the fall of Adam. He went further to teach that God was a consuming fire in the old testament and still is today, but the covenant has changed. This is because of the coming of Jesus Christ, who came with the sole aim of becoming a mediator between mankind and God. 

Additionally, Joseph went on to explain that many of us try to view God through the eyes of the old testament, but God sacrificed His son so we could embody Him through Jesus Christ by focusing our eyes on the cross. Although the old testament presented God in a frightening way, God used His son to erase our fears, in that, anyone who has seen Christ has seen the Father, and all who believe in Christ also believe in the one who sent him. 

Furthermore, Joseph reminds us about what Jesus said regarding giving us peace, not the kind the world gives but the peace that passes all understanding. He went on to assure us that Jesus changed the priesthood and the law; so we can boldly come to the throne of Grace. Joseph reassures us that Jesus loves us, and it’s not in God’s nature to hurt us; He only wants the best for us. He then charges us to give our lives to Christ, surrender our all to Him, and embrace the love He offers us.  

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0:00 Introduction

04:50 John 4:24: God is Spirit

05:15 Hebrews 12:26-29

05:44 God isn’t Shaken

07:17 Hebrews 12:29: God is a Consuming Fire

08:57 Hebrews 12:18-22: Mankind’s Fallenness

14:26 Sin and Holiness don’t Coincide

15:20 The perception of God in the Old Testament

17:05 God has not Changed: The Left Side of the Cross

17:40 The Right Side of the Cross: Finished Work of Christ

19:19 By Grace We’re Saved

24:55 Conclusion


May 07, 2023