It is time to BREAKTHROUGH!! Miracles PAID IN FULL!! on 10-Aug-23-13:01:12

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“God is never trying to get something from you, He’s trying to get something to you".

In this live stream, Joseph Z brings with him, good news of a breakthrough and a paid-in-full anointing for us all. He promises that God will cause a breakthrough in our lives and also break us off of any containment that we may have been experiencing for a while. He brings our attention to the Book of Proverbs 10:22 to make us understand that the blessings of God maketh rich and addeth no sorrows. He further instructs that we can’t serve God and mammon; for the opposite of mammon according to him, is the blessings. Also, he explains that mammon is the love of money that has sorrow attached to it.

Moving on, Joseph brings to our knowledge that we’re created to completely live in God’s economy and not under hell’s economy. He establishes this with the word of God taken from the Book of Isaiah 10:27 which reminds us of God’s promise to lift the burden off our shoulders and break the yoke off our necks. He assures us that the burden of containment and wickedness holding us down due to our Babylonian mindset will be taken away from our shoulders because of the anointing of God. He clarifies this further, stating that the yoke of containment will come off our shoulders and neck, and will be finally destroyed when we’re able to do everything that God wants from us.

More importantly, Joseph brings to our knowledge that prosperity is not in material things; a real increase or prosperity is when we have all that we need to function in any geographical setting that God has called us to be. Similarly, he explains that when we genuinely give, physically, our gifts are not received physically but spiritually by God, and He rewards us according to the pureness of our intentions. 

Furthermore, Joseph encourages us to begin to pay attention to our inner spirit in order to discern areas where God wants us to sow. He prays for a miracle breakthrough for everyone, who gives in faith; further declaring an increase and a paid-in-full breakthrough over everything that concerns us. 

#josephz #zministries #prophecylive #breakthrough #miracles #paidinfull #blessingsofgod #news

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0:00 Introduction

04:02 Moment of Unprecedented Ability

05:44 God Will Breakthrough in Your Life

07:12 Proverbs 10:22

07:53 Choose Between God & Mammon

13:18 The Reason Why Devil Hijacked Wealth

15:01 Isaiah 10:27: Anointing Breaks the Yoke

19:43 Understanding Real Biblical Prosperity

20:39 How to Induce God’s Economy

30:00 The Seed War: Devil's Way of Stealing from People

40:04 Prayer & Conclusion