Red Church - We Need to be Ready!

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Z Media Team
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In today’s Red Church broadcast, Joseph Z educates us on the need to be ready. He shares a little about the hurdles he had to scale through, and the things he gave up and was cut off from because of his decision to follow Jesus. He reassures us that there’s a recompense coming for the bold and for those who do not give up. He goes on to employ the word of God from the Book of Psalm 126 to remind us of God’s awesomeness and how He outdoes Himself for those whom He has called His own. He goes further to inform us that the reason why justice has not come as we prayed for, is because of the enormous mercy of God; for His sun shines on both the just and the unjust alike.

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Moving on, Joseph enlightens us more, instructing that we pay heed to the things that motivate our ambition because we should only go to places where the Lord has assigned us to be. He goes on to disclose that there’ll be a time of darkness for the US, which will lead to a new America. Although it will not herald everything we deem good but will be different from what we’re used to. Also, he narrated how Jesus interrupted His ascension to the Father, so He could show Himself to Mary and all the other apostles.

More interestingly, Joseph clarifies that it’s likely that we can alter the narrative of whatever we’re facing today, as Jesus has laid credence to the power of our presence, prayers, and demands by appearing before Mary after His resurrection, thereby altering His own ascension to the Father. This means that with prayers and intercession, we can alter the narrative; averting also, whatever evil that is destined to befall us or the culture out of our human inadequacies. He asserts once more, that we need a heightened level of prayer, worship, and being active in the culture because darkness doesn’t stand a chance when we show up equipped with heavenly tools to war against it.

Furthermore, Joseph employs the word of God from the Book of Mark 4:16-17 to elaborate that persecutions come after us to destroy us, but we must not bow to it nor grant it power over us. He explains that persecution and trials come to us, to hinder us from altering the powers of darkness, but we must fight back with prayers, and with the word of God. He went further to inform us that the Lord needs us, and we must go after what the Lord has called us to do. He insists that America must repent to repair, but it begins with us and with our faithfulness in showing up for what God has called us to do. He then urges us to make our lives a living sacrifice for the Lord and desist from worshiping things that are not God.


0:00 Introduction

04:44 Psalm 126

06:15 The Reason why Justice is yet to Come

11:00 Where God Sends You is Where You’re Protected

12:39 30, 60, 100 Folds: Time of Darkness & Change

16:15 Who is this King of Glory?

20:28 One Woman Interrupted Jesus’s Ascension

21:22 2 Peter 3:9: The Lord is not Slack in His Promise

30:42 The Church Must Rise to the Challenge

33:44 I am a Servant of Jesus!

40:38 The Purpose of Persecution

44:10 Conclusion

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