Urgency for October—I hear Alarms—let’s Pray!

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Z Media Team
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“Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning”. “The battle is not over until we win”.

In today’s live stream, Joseph Z reveals the urgency he has had in his spirit over this season, especially in this month of October. He insists there are things trying to manifest in the natural; recounting also the vision he had about Vegas, and how God made it known to him that what’s happening in Vegas will not stay in Vegas. He further reveals that there’s cyber warfare happening right now, and a tornado trying to come onto the scene soon. 

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Moving on, Joseph disclosed that the world is coming to a serious valley and that the kingdom of darkness is trying to manifest into the natural. Also, he shares that he hears spiritual warnings and alarms; praying that this supernatural alarm doesn’t portend any ill for any of us. He makes us understand that God does not want any harm to come to us, but every wickedness that we witness today is man-made. Again, he insists that there are alarms sounded in the realm of the spirit and that we’re drawing near to the times of darkness.

More importantly, Joseph takes authority over foul play on US soil, over what is happening in the leadership areas, over the spirit that wants to collapse this nation, and over everything that’s trying to stamp down on Israel; persisting in prayer with Psalm 91, 29, and 34. He goes on to share a vision he had about an Angel whose name was red, white, and blue, in this vision was another angel whose name was white and blue. Further into this vision, he saw that when these two angels representing America and Israel, come together, each gained strength, but became weaker when separated.

Additionally, he expresses bitterness over the inaction of our leaders regarding Israel, and how they dragged their feet in acting towards the intel they got aforehand concerning Israel. Nonetheless, he encourages us, urging us not to allow fear to take over us because the Lord our God will make a way in the middle of it all. He went further to declare favor upon us all, rebuking also, everything that’s trying to manifest in the natural that is not of God.


0:00 Introduction

01:27 Technological Breach in Motion

02:04 Valley of Darkness

03:21 Spiritual Alarms & Warning

05:20 God Will Never Forsake You

07:23 What Happened in Vegas Will not Stay in Vegas

08:19 Season of Darkness

08:39 Prayer for the Nation

09:49 Red, White & Blue: Vision about the US & Israel

11:29 The US Could Have Done Better

15:00 Do not be Afraid

16:24 Conclusion 

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